Thanks but no thanks

  1. We are amateurs in life, gardening, parenting, and being good people. We don’t claim to know anything about anything, really. We just keep trying.
  2. We are thriving. This is the life we selected for ourselves. We welcome everyone to hang out on our lovely u-shaped couch, pick our tomatoes, and pet our cats (if you can convince them to come out). You can drink our drinks, eat our good ice, and stay for dinner. We love this life and welcome you to join us in our adventures.
  3. We love our little family and our two silly cats. If you are here to tell us our cats are moody, we already know. If you are here to tell us pspspspsps, omg, come visit us! These cats love to get pets.
  4. We are trying to garden without monsanto and its bff miracle grow. We might fail, we might get overrun by weeds and aphids, we might grow slower than most or shorter than most, but its our goal. We also don’t eat animals. So if your solution is bones or whatever, that’s not our thing. We fertilize with mushrooms, we welcome all wildlife (except chiggers omg ya’ll stop), and we don’t mind if Janice the bunny eats all the basil. We planted it for her, too.
  5. We aren’t into worshiping things, prayer, or whatever. You’re not gonna change that. We’ve all been there, done that. But, we’re also not going to try to change how you see the meaning of life either. We’re your friendly atheist family who believes that the best part of life is the part we are guaranteed: right now. For us this means we should do all we can with the minutes we have to make this world the best it can be for ourselves, our community, and the planet. It also means there’s no grand forgiveness later, so we try to be kind as we go, knowing this is all we have.
  6. Sophie would like for me to let you know what we do believe in: birthday parties for cats
  7. As always, if you don’t like our answer to your query, we invite you to submit all your additional suggestions here.

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