DangerGarden Blog

  • Cucumber Madness
    We have been harvesting a LOT of cucumbers. Sophie is the real harvester in our family and she bravely jumps right inside the cucumber teepee to grab these monster fruits. Our patty pan squash yield seems to be dwindling which is fine as we just planted another type of squash. Holy Mother of Cantaloupe This… Read more: Cucumber Madness
  • The Front Plot
    After much work this weekend on plot 21, we got a phone call from The City of Denton around 12pm yesterday and they said YES, we can have the front four plots (8, 9, 10, 11). So, we gave up plots 23 & 28 and are the new owners of four front plots (in addition… Read more: The Front Plot
  • Tilling and Tilling and Planting
  • Expanding
    On Monday, we got the green light to take over the three plots surrounding ours – #21, #23, and #28. This means we now have 6 plots at 15×20 feet each or 1800 sqft of garden real estate. We have plotted out the new sections and the July crop rotation for a few crops that… Read more: Expanding
  • RIP Chamomile
    Went to transplant the chamomile into the garden and found a mama slug plus 1 gagillion slug baby eggs. In fact, mama slug was laying an egg as I watched. So, she now lives with her babies and our chamomile plant in the creek. RIP Chamomile.
  • one white fuzzy ball
    I cannot believe this cantaloupe is thriving, internet void. Like, it really seems unlikely that we haven’t failed this plant but here it is, just killing it, being pregnant with an awesome little fruit. 😍 An update on our beauties is in order. Cucumbers 3 Sisters Our patty pan squash continues to flourish and we… Read more: one white fuzzy ball
  • Hemlock?
    Apparently hemlock is a BFD. Five or six leaves, ingested, will kill an adult. The roots and seeds are even more poisonous than the leaves. Even when dry and dead, the plant will remain highly toxic for THREE YEARS. So…here’s the question…are the weeds at the garden hemlock or some mimic? Both google and our… Read more: Hemlock?
  • One Rain
    It just takes one rain to make everything leap ahead in growth. Also, it just takes one rain to make the weeds in unoccupied plots go from ~12 inches high to 4 feet. I wish I had taken pictures but we harvested a cucumber and patty pan squash today, not out of desire, but out… Read more: One Rain
  • Squashing squash bugs (and chiggers)
    Today and yesterday, Jeromey sprayed the garden with two products from Earth’s Ally (links below) to try to rid our garden of chiggers, squash bugs, and the adorable but terrible harlequin bugs. We’re avoiding using any chemicals that we don’t have to so these products are made with ingredients like rosemary and peppermint oil. Their… Read more: Squashing squash bugs (and chiggers)
  • Sleepy Poppies
    Tonight we learned that poppies put themselves to bed at night by closing up their petals and how unbelievably cute is that? I mean gahhhh

